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Survivorfest Running Event - Track Etiquette/Rules 2024


NEW FOR 2024


Our Kid's Races sponsored by crumbl cookies!!!!

Held concurrently with our Athlete Package Pick Up. 

Ages 5 - 8: 400m track (Loop A)

Ages 9 - 12: 1 mile loop (Loop B)

Ages 13 -18: 2k (Loop A + Loop B) 




Live Broadcast


Live broadcasting for friends, family and fans on YouTube Survivorfest Running Event channel will be accessible during Friday night’s Race Package pick up and at intervals on Saturday and Sunday.


Check it out on






Timing Services will be provided by Mike Melton of MCM Timing and Results LLC.​

Course direction will begin in a counter-clockwise direction. Changes will be guided by Mike Melton, Timing Coordinator and/or Timing volunteers at 1pm, 5pm, 9pm, 1am & 5am. 


Athlete Package Pickup


Friday, June 13th from 4 pm - 8 pm


Strathcona Athletic Park (1100 N Cloverbar Road, Sherwood Park)


Timing chips will be handed out by the Timing Coordinator and/or timing volunteers an hour prior to the start of each event.


Mandatory Pre race briefing ​will commence 15 minutes prior to the start of each event.


All athletes must continuously wear the timing chips as directed in the Survivorfest Race briefing. 


Awards ceremonies to follow immediately once timing results have been calculated.


​Loop A - IAU Bronze Labelled 400m Track


There are many athletes at Survivorfest Running Event aiming for personal bests and/or National records; all athletes who have chosen Loop A are considered equal in terms of their eligibility to pursue those goals.


ALL athletes must obey the rules listed below; anyone not following these rules will be reminded directly by the Survivorfest Timing Coordinator, Survivorfest Race Director or Deputy Race Director or designate during the event.  Anyone blatantly disregarding them to the detriment of other athletes will be disqualified at the discretion of the Race Director or Deputy Race Director.​


​1. ALWAYS hug the inside lane if you are travelling at a reasonable pace relative to other athletes.  Travelling single file unless passing another athlete in a respectful manner. Leave room for other athletes to pass in the outside of lane. 


2. Athletes passing from behind must move to the outside of the athlete on the inside.


3. If multiple athletes are passing at the same time at different speeds, consider moving to Lane 2.


4. Athletes wishing to socialize while they are walking or running may do so in a front/back manner similar to travelling on a single track trail. If you are taking an extended walk break or have slowed enough to disrupt the flow of the rest of the event, please use the outside of Lane 2 or inside of Lane 3.


5. Athletes who are using short walk breaks as a strategy for hitting their goals are permitted to do so without moving to the outside of Lane 2 or Lane 3. Those athletes who are attempting National records, and still on pace to do so, using strategic walk breaks to get there, may remain in the inside of Lane 1. This rule is meant to impact athletes who have slowed to the point of missing their stated goals and/or records and are taking extended walk breaks and thus disrupting the flow of other Lane 1 athletes.


6. Athletes are responsible for finishing their lap prior to a direction change and/or returning from down time due to washroom break, aid station and/or other pause in competing. If you are getting aid or using the washroom, leave and enter through the designated area. 


 7. When using the washrooms, be conscientious of Loop B athletes on the outside lanes completing lap then proceeding out of the Strathcona Athletic Park for the remainder of their loop. 


Loop B - IAU Bronze Road Label


Those athletes at Survivorfest Running Event who have chosen the Loop B course will follow a variation of the rules as noted above with the following accommodations:


  1. This loop has been measured at the most inner portion of the course except on the track. ALWAYS hug the inside/outside portion of the course if you are travelling at a reasonable pace relative to other athletes.  Leave room for other athletes to pass on the inside/outside of the non-track loop area even though there are no dedicated lanes.

  2. Loop B athletes will enter the Strathcona Athletic Park track from a designated entrance to complete their 1 lap per loop on the outside 3 lanes of the 400m track; the inside 3 lanes are reserved for Loop A athletes. Athletes will leave the track at the designated spot to proceed to the trail portion of the course and the remainder ofLoop B. 

  3. Loop B athletes must not course cut or deviate from the course route; there will be course marshals staffed throughout the event to ensure athletes’ confidence and safety throughout the duration of the event including night-time. 

  4. There will be timing mats located along this route outside of the track area to ensure all athletes complete the loop.

  5. Much of the Loop B course is shared with the general public, although pedestrian traffic is anticipated to be light. Please exercise courtesy and share the pathways; volunteers will endeavour to alert passer-bys that an event is occurring. Inappropriate conduct to the general public on public pathways will not be tolerated.



The Timing Tent is strictly out of bounds to all except Mike Melton, Timing Coordinator and Survivorfest board members. Laps will be recorded by electronic chip timing and will be submitted to the Association of Canadian Ultramarathoners (ACU) and International Association of Ultrarunners (IAU) for verification and certification. You may leave the track at any point in time during the race, but you must return to the same place before continuing. You may not leave and return directly by the timing equipment, to avoid double counting a lap. Your number of laps, distance, and race will be shown on an electronic display near the start. 


Concerns related to the distance and or miscounting of laps must be made in writing by the athlete or their crew as soon as possible, to the floating Survivorfest Timing Volunteer. The Survivorfest volunteer will bring the concerns forward to the Timing Official for resolution by the Race Director or designate—the decision is final.




Athletes are responsible for the actions of their crew and supporters. Tents/shelters can be set up in designated areas. Loop A - Inside the track. Loop B - On the furthermost side of the track as designated by the Survivorfest Volunteers or in the “Lost Souls Crew Pit”. Crew must remain off the track when providing assistance to their athlete and be respectful of other athletes and/or crew members. Any non-competitor who is walking and/or running alongside an athlete must be aware that the athlete may be disqualified if the action is excessive and construed as pacing.  




Results will show the furthest distance reached via timed checkpoint. (i.e. last timing loop crossed).

Distance from start-line to timing loop and for turnarounds will be added to official results.


Results will be forwarded, once validated by the Timing Official(s) and Survivorfest Race Director, to the ACU and IAU for recognition and endorsement of records and achievements.




Belt buckles will be awarded to all athletes who complete 100 miles. Each belt buckle will be engraved with the athlete's specific distance and sent out by the race team. 


Loop A will have top 3 finisher distance podium awards for Male, Female, and Non-Binary categories for the 6 Hour, 12 Hour and 24 Hour events. 


Loop B athletes are eligible for the same award classifications of Male, Female and Non-Binary in their categories

Relay teams will receive a separate award for first and second place teams in the 6 Hour and 24 Hour categories


​In Honour Awards


Stephanie Simpson Award: Presented to the athlete who has travelled the furthest from their residence to participate in Survivorfest Running Event and adds special element to race environment..


Past winners: Krissie Eberhart (2021), Dennene Huntley (2022), Kathia Rashed (2023), Nathan Currie (2024)


Al Howie Award: Presented to the athlete who has raised the most funds for the Saffron Centre for Sexual Assault in Sherwood Park, AB.


Past winners: Kerri Wagensveld (2020), Janelle Schultz (2021), Mike MacKenzie (2022), Stephen Mater (2023)


Don Wheatcroft Award: Presented to the athlete who displays a positive demeanour during the event towards fellow athletes, stepping outside their own discomforts to motivate and encourage others.


Past winners: Coral Wiebe (2021), Wayne Gaudet (2022), Adam French (2023)




Provided by Park Power. 




Indoor washroom facilities are available in the building adjacent to the track. Athletes, crew and nearby volunteers have access. ATHLETES HAVE FIRST PRIORITY. We will also have two portable toilets located close to the “Lost Souls Crew Pit” for spectators and athletes. 




Available for athletes during and/or after the event in the washrooms in the building adjacent to the track; bring your own towel.


Weather/Daylight Hours


*See Extreme Weather and Environmental Conditions” document for further information about race pauses and/or cancellations due to environmental conditions.

Important – Weather in Sherwood Park, AB is variable and can range significantly from daytime to the evening. Athletes and their crew should be prepared for temperatures from 5 degrees celsius to 30 degrees celsius or more; rain and even hail may occur.


Sunrise is approximately 0500 hours and sunset approximately 2200 hours. There will be lights around the track at dark as well as off site lighting and operational streetlamps for Loop B athletes away from the track. Loop B athletes, running through the night, can choose to wear a functioning head or handheld lamp - if desired.


Crew Accommodations

Loop A: Designated athlete crewing area is inside the track where athletes may set up tents, tables and other items using weights only to secure them to the ground; no trailers or tent pegs may be set up in the track area as per Strathcona County regulations. There is a designated Crew parking lot outside the track area for crew to set up small trailers/vans, etc. 


Loop B: Athletes may now  set up crew areas outside the track area on the further long stretch or alongside track curves. Alternatively, there is the “Lost Souls Crew Pit” in immediate proximity to the track, an open fenced arena with cement pad flooring; this area is dedicated to crew or athletes to set up their support area and tents. No pegs or trailers are permitted in that area. There is a designated Crew parking lot outside the track area for crew to set up small trailers/vans etc. Exercise caution when entering or leaving that area to not impede any Loop B athletes who will be crossing in front of the entrance to the arena each mile loop.


Athlete Aid Stations

There will be a well- provisioned aid station throughout the event with water, electrolyte drinks, and basic food including hot vegetable broth, warm and cold foods depending on weather conditions and quick sugary/salty packaged snacks, etc. A more complete list of aid station offerings will be released closer to the event. Please notify us of any severe food allergies in advance of the event as it may be a factor in our selections.


We strive to be as environmentally friendly as possible, so we ask athletes and/or crew to bring their own containers.


We do NOT have a microwave and/or refrigerator for athletes or crew to use at the aid station.


Athletes are permitted to move around the track with food and/or drink, ideally in a container. You or your crew are responsible for cleaning up any messes you create on the track and/or at your tent.


Volunteers may assist crew/athletes in placing orders for food delivery from local area restaurants—if desired. Athletes should be prepared to support individual or specialized nutritional needs, considering food allergies and intolerances. ​


First Aid


There is an indoor heated First Aid area with provision of basic first aid by volunteers; athletes who use this service do so in accordance with the athlete waiver. Off-site paramedical emergency medical services (9-1-1) and/or 24 hr hospital care, is readily available in Sherwood Park– if required. This off-site assistance would disqualify an athlete from the event. 




The SOUNDfonix tent will be located beside the Timing tent. There will be DJ services broadcast courtesy of our long-time sponsor SOUNDfonix Entertainment (music requests welcome) at the Strathcona Athletic Park track running 0800 hours to 2200 hours as per Strathcona County By-Laws. 


You may wear non-over the ear headphones on the track provided you are alert to fellow participants and Survivorfest volunteers - we suggest low volume or one (1) earbud only.​


The track area has a distant perimeter of residential housing past a field and community consideration for both noise and lights is requested. Athletes, crews, and/or spectators may be required by Survivorfest volunteers or the race committee members to accommodate those concerns. 


Live Broadcast


An exciting Live Broadcast event will take place on race day, hosted through our Survivorfest Youtube page. Viewers from anywhere in the world can tune in to cheer on Survivorfest athletes while getting insights into the behind-the-scenes action. A dedicated on-track camera will capture each athlete as they compete to achieve their goals on race day. The event will also feature live interviews with sponsors and the crew who support the athletes through their journeys. 




There is bleacher seating at the track open for family and friends to cheer on the athletes. The entrance and parking is separate from the crew/athlete track entrances and will be clearly marked on race day. No spectators may enter the race track and/or inside the track area. There will be parking available for fans, family and friends at Strathcona Athletic Park (1100 Cloverbar Road N) with directional signage on race day.


If you have any concerns, questions, and/or require additional information; please contact us via email at


Most of all, have fun and enjoy the experience with your fellow athletes and the Survivorfest team!​


@ 2024 Survivorfest Running Event

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